JVR Trial Excellence Awards 2022

Outstanding Defense Verdict in a Medical Malpractice Case

15 Ap/3. St. John’s settled with pltf prior to the first related trial (amount not reported). Note: For a summary of subsequent appellate action regarding this case, see the Jury Verdict Reporter’s Appellate Review of Damages publication at 19 ARD 39.

David L. Drake David Drake of Drake, Narup & Mead, P.C. has defended individuals, insurers, doctors, medical professionals, attorneys, engineers, executives and employers. David has been a member of Sangamon County Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association, Adjusters’ Association of Cen- tral Illinois, Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel, Lincoln-Douglas Inn of Court, American Society of Law and Medicine and Illinois Association of HMOs. David was selected as a Member of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker on legal issues with emphasis on malpractice and related litigation. His practice was almost exclusively defending doctors and attorneys.

Patton & Ryan is a corporate defense firm specializing in the trial of cata - strophic loss cases often on the eve of trial. The firm has bee retained to defend cases in over 35 states. It will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this coming January. David Drake, Rick Narup and Randy Mead hung their first shingle as Drake, Narup & Mead, P.C. on February 14, 1989. Within two weeks, Drake, Narup & Mead, P.C. was representing the insureds of the nation’s biggest general lines carrier and the insureds of the state’s principle pro- fessional liability insurer. Chris Biswell was added to the Drake, Narup & Mead, P.C. family in 2001 and immediately launched into a diverse prac- tice, including medical and legal malpractice defense.

David retired in 2018.

hospitals and medical practices in profes- sional malpractice litigation. Chris has extensive litigation and trial ex- perience, having tried several medical mal- practice cases to verdict over recent years. He has represented many specialists includ- ing Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease,

Cardiology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Obstet- rics, General Surgery and Gastroenterology. Chris joined Drake, Narup & Mead in 2001. He was admitted to the bar in 2001, Illinois; 2002 U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois.

Christian D. Biswell Christian D. Biswell is a shareholder and president of Drake, Narup & Mead, P.C. His main focus is professional liability defense. His practice focuses almost exclusively on defending physicians, medical providers,


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