T he Illinois Creditors Bar Associa- tion is the largest organization of its kind in the state, representing attorneys practicing in all areas of cred- itors’ rights, including collections, fore - closure, bankruptcy and eviction. The practice of creditors’ rights is unique because attorneys and their clients are subject to federal regulations and pro - tections and frequently work directly with unrepresented litigants. To that end, part of the ILCBA’s stated mission is to promote the highest stan- dards of professionalism and ethical conduct among those involved in var- ious aspects of transactions involving creditors’ rights law. The foundation of this is civility and transparency in deal- ing with all parties to the process. To further its mission, the ILCBA has con- sistently reached across the aisle and collaborated not only with the courts, but also with consumer advocates to T he Arab American Bar Associa- tion of Illinois has worked diligent- ly with other organizations to sus- tain civility throughout our profession. AABAR kicked off 2022 with a dis- cussion about Voting Rights and the discriminatory impact on minorities. In April, we held a joint unity Iftar din - ner co-hosted with the Muslim Bar and Northwest Suburban Bar associations to further show support for one anoth- er. “Arab American Women in Law” was presented with the Middle Eastern and North Africa Law Student Association and AABAR at Loyola University to help educate students on civility in the prac- tice of law. In May, AABAR past president Donna Haddad was honored with the Vanguard Award, and Judge Samuel Betar III was presented with our Public Service Award for his distinguished career and work in promoting justice. In June, we proudly marched alongside Alliance of Illinois Judges at the Pride Parade. In September, we held the 7th an- nual Building Bridges Award with the
Encouraging connection, promoting justice Tony Abou Ezzi Vice President, Arab American Bar Association of Illinois
Decalogue Society of Lawyers, where members demonstrate the very ideals of civility by jointly recognizing those in our communities that inspire us all. Per- haps one of the largest initiatives this past year was an in-depth discussion about the future of affirmative action for minority businesses and the announce- ment that the first citywide study of the Middle East North African (MENA) com - munity is going to be conducted. This study will help all of us further under- stand the impact on our community of being classified as “white.” In November, our sold-out installation dinner welcomed Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi as our keynote speaker and awarded Justice Jesse Reyes with the Distinguished Service Award. AABAR continues to be highly active and engaged in promoting civility and collaboration among our legal profes- sion under its 2021-23 installed officers, including President Nura Yanaki, Trea- surer Jawad Shalabi, Recording Sec- retary Mona Naser and Corresponding Secretary Cory Cassis. ensure equal access to justice for all. Specifically, our organization has worked hand in hand with consumer groups on various Supreme Court Or- ders and Supreme Court Rules with a goal of promoting consumer fairness. In addition, the ILCBA works to unite its membership in furthering its mission. One of the most powerful tools is educa- tion and an open forum for members to problem solve and share ideas. Not only does the ILCBA offer top quality educa- tional programs, it also hosts listservs where members can obtain immediate answers to questions essential to effec- tively managing their practices. This fo- rum for open discussion rests on civility and respect for all. The success and accomplishments of the ILCBA are proof that all goals are achievable when transparency is re- quired and civil, collaborative communi- cation is promoted and fostered.
A spirit of collaboration Julie Beyer s President, Illinois Creditors Bar Association
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