Law Day 2023

T he preamble to the Standards for Professional Conduct within the Seventh Federal Judicial Cir- cuit provides that “[A] lawyer’s conduct should be characterized at all times by personal courtesy and professional integrity in the fullest sense of those terms. In fulfilling our duty to repre - sent a client vigorously as lawyers, we will be mindful of our obligations to the administration of justice, which is a truth-seeking process designed to resolve human and societal problems in a rational, peaceful, and efficient manner.” As recognized by the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct, however, con- flicting responsibilities as a represen - tative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citizen are inevita- bly encountered. While a lawyer has a duty to zealously protect and pursue a client’s legitimate interests, the lawyer must do so within the bounds of the law, while maintaining a professional, courteous and civil attitude. A lawyer’s obligation towards civility F ounded in 1987, the Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms is an organiza- tion of 45 law firms committed to work - ing together to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession. Through professional development workshops, business development programs, leadership skills training, networking events and educational programs, our member firms tireless - ly fight to advance our mission. The Chicago Committee recognizes that civility, respect and professionalism are essential parts of creating an in- clusive profession. Moreover, listening to, and learning from our colleagues in the legal community builds trust and understanding. This past year, the Chicago Com- mittee presented CLE programs on the progress and challenges facing Asian American and Pacific Islander attorneys, Black attorneys and Latinx attorneys, with insightful commen- tary provided by law firm attorneys, in-

certainly encompasses an obligation to disagree without being disagree- able, a respect for the rule of law and a rejection of scorched-earth litigation tactics calculated to obscure the truth. Civility is more than just good man - ners, although being polite is a nec- essary first step. Notwithstanding, it is certainly possible to politely assert a false narrative or courteously re- ject a job applicant for discriminatory reasons. Recognizing this obligation of civil- ity, the NWSBA has been partnering with several other bar associations to provide its members free CLE on topics like implicit bias, diversity, eq- uity and inclusion. Our mentorship, courthouse relations and social com- mittees provide professional develop- ment and connection opportunities. Uncivil behavior feeds the negative stereotypes that damage the profes- sion. It can be emotionally exhausting and lead to higher levels of burnout. Civility leads to better outcomes for our clients and us as attorneys as well. house counsel, judges and government attorneys. The Chicago Committee also col- laborated with in-house counsel from numerous corporations for a series of workshops to examine how law firm attorneys and in-house attorneys can work together to promote the advance- ment of diverse attorneys in both envi- ronments. Our small group discussions helped shed light on obstacles faced by diverse partners and senior in-house attorneys and provided a safe environ- ment for candid discussions exploring ways to address such obstacles. In addition, the Chicago Committee has reinvigorated its acclaimed Mentor- ship Academy program, connecting at- torneys at different levels from different member law firms for meaningful men - torship and guided relationship-building exercises. By encouraging dialogue and mentorship across member law firms, the Chicago Committee seeks to pro- mote collaboration and to build trust amongst our member firm community.

More than just good manners Ken Apicella President, Northwest Suburban Bar Association

Listening, learning and leading Sharon Hwang Chair, Chicago Committee on Minorities in Large Law Firms


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