40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 38

FIRM Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth, LLC LAW SCHOOL Loyola University Chicago School of Law AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Medical malpractice, professional responsibility


D avid Duffey's command of both legal and medical knowl- edge have made him a force in the medical malpractice defense field. Just ask Sean Houlihan with Chicago's Power Rogers. He first met David when the attorney was presenting a treating physi- cian for a discovery deposition. Houlihan says that he was im- mediately impressed with Duffey's in-depth knowledge of the 2,000-page record. David shone, too, in the way he controlled the deposition. Since then, Houlihan has litigated against Duffey in several cases. Duffey continues to impress, Houlihan said. "David's knowledge and command of the medicine and his ability to break that knowledge down so that a lay person can understand it, makes him invaluable to his clients," Houlihan said. "David has an easy manner about him and uses that in his examinations to have conversations with witnesses instead of examinations. David is a hard-working advocate for his clients." Elizabeth Bruer with Chicago's Swanson, Martin & Bell, echoes Houlihan's praise, adding that Duffey is often called upon by cli- ents to represent medical providers in those cases that are the most difficult and complicated. "David is one of the smartest and hardest working attor- neys I have practiced with in my 20-plus years as an attorney in Cook County," Bruer said. "He is patient and a constant pro-

David truly is one of the most unique and exceptional litigators in the city. ”

fessional, regardless of how difficult his opposing counsel may be. I am always assured that if David is on a case, it will be handled with skill and professionalism. He is a true pleasure to practice with." Duffey has shone his skills in three recent trials that went to verdict, helping his clients obtain a defense verdict in all three cases. He collectively saved his clients more than $17 million that had been requested from plaintiffs. "David truly is one of the most unique and exceptional liti- gators in the city," said Laura DeDecker, claims counsel with Northwestern Medicine. "David is dependable, knowledgeable and well-spoken, making him an all-around asset to his clients. He always gives 110% by working long hours and weekends, and going above and beyond what anyone would expect from him. He is also a true pleasure to work with. I am positive attorneys from both sides would agree that David approaches each case with civility, grace, kindness and, most importantly, humor."

40 Under Forty 2024



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