40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 31

FIRM Levin & Perconti

LAW SCHOOL John Marshall Law School

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Personal injury, medical malpractice


N icholas Emerson's legal skills, courtroom presence, work ethic and honesty have all helped him build a busy career in the personal injury and medical malpractice arena. But it is the empathy he has for his clients that sets him apart. Chicago attorney Johanna Tracy said that Emerson has a sense of community and understands how an injury or death can affect not only injured parties but those who surround them and cared for them. Emerson, then, does whatever it takes to earn the best results for his clients. "He has a fighting voice, one that is true, pure and honest," Tracy said. "He knows how to tell an understandable story, the key to winning a jury trial. He is also very creative and has se- cured many significant settlements and jury verdicts." An example of Emerson's legal skills? One nominator point- ed to Emerson's successful cross-examination of nurses and a nurse practitioner, all represented by another law firm, in which he obtained admissions that they potentially violated the stan- dard of care, a rare occurrence. Such a result isn't unusual for Emerson, said Lynn Geerdes with Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith. "He is natural and at ease during his questioning and in the courtroom," Geerdes said. "Nick is a hard worker and very re- sponsive on cases at all hours. He is a natural leader with a very strong presence and knowledge in the courtroom." During his career, Emerson has earned many significant victo- ries for his clients. This includes a settlement of more than $2.8 million against a hospital and nursing home for failing to prevent multiple injuries to a quadriplegic patient and a settlement of

He knows how to tell an understandable story, the key to winning a jury trial. ”

more than $1.4 million for the estate of a 50-year-old develop- mentally disabled resident of a Community Integrated Living Arrangement who choked and died after the facility served him lunch that did not meet the requirements of his diet. "I am always impressed with his acumen of matter details and his willingness to debate a matter while at the same time listen- ing to our opposing position on the matter," said Adam Guetzow with Chicago's Hinshaw and Culbertson. "I know that Nick will be prepared to not only convey his position but also truly listen to the defense perspective and try to understand where our cli- ents may be coming from on particular issues. The latter is a skill set not always learned so early in an attorney's career, and Nick has grasped that quite successfully." During his career, Emerson has earned many significant victo- ries for his clients. This includes a settlement of more than $2.8 million against a hospital and nursing home for failing to prevent multiple pressure ulcer/bed sores to a quadriplegic patient and a settlement of more than $1.4 million for the estate of a 50-year- old developmentally disabled resident of a Community Integrat- ed Living Arrangement who choked and died after the facility served him lunch that did not meet the requirements of his diet.

40 Under Forty 2024



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