40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 39

FIRM Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP

LAW SCHOOL University of Illinois Chicago Law School

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Family law and family law mediation


A zealous and effective advocate for her clients – that's how Jennifer Enloe's peers describe this family law attorney. En- loe doesn't just help clients in the courtroom; she's also carved out a thriving career in family law mediation. How has Enloe built such a strong career? Her colleagues tell the story: Enloe is known for her dedication to her clients, her legal knowledge, her astute negotiation skills, and her ability to reach resolutions that best serve her clients’ goals. Throughout her career, she has negotiated outcomes that result in healthy family structures that accommodate spousal differences. She prioritizes her clients’ individual goals as well as the well-being of the family unit. Enloe is trained and certified in both mediation and Collab- orative Law. This background helps her navigate both amicable and contentious family law cases in her litigation and alternative dispute resolution practice. "She is excellent at helping clients see the long-term impact of fighting versus trying to reach a reasonable settlement, es- pecially when it comes to child-related issues and the financial impact it has," said Gabriela Asrow, an attorney with the Chicago office of Hoffenberg & Block. "However, she is willing and very able to litigate when necessary to protect her clients' interests. She is calm under pressure, kind, empathetic and exactly the kind of person you want as the attorney handling your family law case." Enloe has earned a reputation as an attorney who cuts through the anger and emotions of family law cases, allowing

She is able to come up with creative solutions and can think outside the box to resolve matters. ”

clients to grieve the loss of their marriage, but never losing sight of the substantive issues barring a resolution. She is known for approaching cases pragmatically with a focus on problem-solving instead of treating cases as simply win/lose matters. "Jennie consistently acts not only on what is in the best inter- est of the children, but what is best for the client and the family," said Julie Brett, attorney with the Chicago office of Fischel Kahn. "Jennie remains calm, even when under pressure. She is able to come up with creative solutions and can think outside the box to resolve matters." Enloe has also developed the ability to build relationships with clients and opposing counsel, even in the most difficult scenarios. "Jennifer is an out-of-the-box creative thinker and is highly regarded by colleagues and opposing counsel for high levels of professionalism and adept problem-solving skills," said Chicago attorney Michelle Lawless. "She is empathetic and has the ability to gain clients' trust and confidence quickly, which is often nec- essary in family law situations."

40 Under Forty 2024



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