40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 35

FIRM Berger Schatz

LAW SCHOOL Chicago Kent Law School



L aura Gottlieb possesses that ideal mix of legal skills and compassion that the most successful family law special- ists boast. Her record of earning positive results for her clients during their most challenging times has helped Gottlieb build a thriving career in the often emotional area of family law. Jason Sposeep, an attorney with Chicago's Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, understands this. He has opposed Gottlieb on several difficult matters. He said that Gottlieb is a formidable opponent. "Laura handles herself with grace and is always very well pre- pared," Sposeep said. "She is certainly a formidable opponent whom I respect. Laura prides herself on being a zealous advo- cate while at the same time remaining respectful to colleagues and the court. She is and will continue to be a leader in the field of family law." Sposeep said that Gottlieb is a creative, out-of-the-box think- er who routinely crafts winning strategies for her clients. Gottli- eb truly shines during negotiations, where she always develops viable options for settlement, options that inevitably help her clients reach their goals. Myron Mackoff, associate judge with the Domestic Relations Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County, has witnessed Gottlieb in action several times as she regularly practices in his courtroom. He said that few attorneys are as committed to their clients as Gottlieb is to hers. "She gives exceptional service to her clients," Mackoff said.

She is and will continue to be a leader in the field of family law. ”

"She is diligent, prepared, professional and ethical in her pursuit of a fair outcome for her clients." Morgan Stogsdill, an attorney with Chicago's Beermann LLP, said that Gottlieb routinely earns stellar outcomes for her cli- ents, whether through mediation or trial. "Her clients can be assured that they'll receive highly com- petent, compassionate representation," Stogsdill said. "Special lawyers represent their clients enthusiastically while maintain- ing respectful and friendly relationships with opposing parties. That's not only a sign of a good person, it's also what helps her get better results for her clients. People are more willing to ne- gotiate if they feel heard and respected." Stogsdill says that Gottlieb is the strong and steady part- ner that clients need when going through a dissolution of marriage. "People going through divorce are often experiencing the worst period of their lives," Stogsdill said. "Having an advocate like Laura on their side not only eases the turmoil of the mo- ment but also gives them hope that the future will be better."

40 Under Forty 2024



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