40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 35

FIRM Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen, P.C.

LAW SCHOOL Harvard Law School

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Affordable housing and community development, transactional work, mixed finance


R yan Hatten is exceptionally skilled at structuring and clos- ing even the most difficult community development trans- actions, possessing a deep knowledge of the subsidies and rules that accompany the development of affordable housing and non-housing community assets. Hatten, as of the writing of this profile, was working on a complicated low income housing tax credit and New Markets Tax Credit development project in Atlanta. Althea Broughton, partner with the Atlanta office of law firm Arnell Golden Grego- ry, says that Hatten has played a key role in moving this project closer to completion, providing additional affordable housing for a community in desperate need of it. "Ryan's structuring expertise has brought solutions that may ultimately make the difference in having this transaction close and providing affordable housing for the residents of Atlanta," Broughton said. Jeff Leslie, director with the Edwin F. Mandel Legal Aid Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School, worked with Hatten on a major development transaction together with a client in common, with Hatten representing a joint venture between that client and another developer through a dual representation ar- rangement. "The transaction was very complex and there were difficult negotiations that Ryan was a part of," Leslie said. "The dual rep- resentation that Ryan's firm was involved in made things more challenging on that front. But we got through it and Ryan jug- gled all his responsibilities capably. He was the lead person on

Ryan balances superior and responsive legal work with significant community involvement and dedication to family. ”

handling all the many moving parts of moving this transaction successfully to closing." Matthew Brett, general counsel with 2Life Communities, said that Hatten became the go-to expert on the rules gov- erning American Rescue Plan Act funds with Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen. He has served as a key resource for the firm's attorneys and clients who are working on transactions using those funds. Brett also points to the work Hatten did when closing a com- plicated “twinned deal” with both 4% and 9% low income hous- ing tax credits and over five layers of financing in the City of Chicago. This transaction involved multiple lenders, investors, and government agencies. Despite his busy career and his commitment to his clients, Hatten has also found time to volunteer for his community and profession. This, Brett said, is especially impressive. "Ryan balances superior and responsive legal work with significant community involvement and dedication to family," Brett said. "It is one of the more impressive balancing acts that I have seen."

40 Under Forty 2024



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