40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 38

FIRM Collins Bargione & Vuckovich

LAW SCHOOL Chicago-Kent College of Law

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Professional liability, attorney ethics, litigation


E xceptional. That's the word her peers use to describe Kathryne Hayes' legal skills. This is no surprise. Hayes has a history of earning successful results for her clients, even when the odds are stacked against them. For Hayes, there is no such thing as an unwinnable case. These successes can be attributed to Hayes' legal knowledge, creative thinking, dedication to her clients and hard work. Michael Pildes with Chicago's Wolin Law Group knows this. He's worked closely with Hayes on several civil matters. And he always comes away impressed. "Katie is an exceptional lawyer," Pildes said. "In addition to be- ing highly intelligent, she has keen insight into legal issues cou- pled with an exceptional ability as a legal writer. As a result of these skills, she has overcome seemingly impossible obstacles and prevailed." Pildes points to the work that Hayes did while representing several defendants in a commercial case that was filed and liti- gated for nearly 10 years. As a result of Hayes' litigation strategy and legal writing, the claims against her clients were consistently diminished and ultimately dismissed. Hayes has also been effective at the appellate level. Having obtained dismissal of a securities fraud case, Hayes pursued a petition for rehearing after a partial remand back to the trial court, leading to rehearing, vacatur of the remand order and a total victory for her clients. She has also successfully petitioned for a discretionary interlocutory appeal resulting in a reversal of an order disqualifying a lawyer.

One of the premier bar defense lawyers in the State of Illinois. ”

In addition to her work as a commercial litigator, Hayes has built a reputation as an ethics expert and often speaks on attor- ney ethics for the Chicago Bar Association and the Chicago Law Bulletin. She is also former chair of the Illinois State Bar Associa- tion Commission on ARDC and Professional Conduct. Hayes also serves as outside ethics counsel to solo prac- titioners and law firms, guiding them in matters relating to professional responsibility and liability. She has handled var- ious matters before the Illinois ARDC from the investigative stage through trial and appeal. Thanks in part to Hayes' guidance, and thorough analysis, she routinely obtains closures of investigations without further action and with the benefit of confidentiality. "Katie is an extremely good lawyer and has established her- self as one of the premier bar defense lawyers in the State of Illinois," said Trisha Rich with Chicago office of Holland & Knight. She is also a longtime supporter of One Tail at a Time and member of its development advisory board. She would love to talk to you about her One Tail at a Time dogs.

40 Under Forty 2024



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