40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 37

FIRM Hall Prangle & Schoonveld, LLC

LAW SCHOOL DePaul University College of Law

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Medical malpractice defense, administrative law, behavioral health


M olly Pankauskas has earned a reputation among her peers as the first volunteer to take on a new case or trial, re- search obscure medical issues in a foreign jurisdiction and cover a contentious court hearing. But this medical malpractice defense attorney is also known as a skilled, hard-working and knowledgeable lawyer, one who works tirelessly for her clients. During her career, Pankauskas has served as lead counsel on regulatory matters and administrative hearings. Thanks to her skills and track record of success, her practice continues to grow, resulting in Pankauskas taking on increasingly complex matters as a young partner at her firm. "Molly is a true scholar of the law and is eager to learn and share her knowledge with her colleagues and clients," said Sarah Frazer, claims counsel at Northwestern Memorial HealthCare. "Molly is a zealous advocate for her clients but does so with the utmost level of professionalism. She has a unique way of build- ing professional relationships with respect and humor. Molly's regulatory experience is invaluable and gives her a unique per- spective when evaluating a case." Meredith Coley, healthcare attorney with AdventHealth, says that Pankauskas has an uncanny ability to intuit her clients' needs. "What sets her apart from many in private practice is her ability to quickly identify a range of approaches and call out the solution that is most likely to efficiently resolve the issue or inquiry at hand," Coley said. "She always seems to see and truly understand my company’s underlying concerns without

More than once, she's offered a more practical and cost-effective means of addressing the 'real' underlying issue. ”

anyone spelling them out. More than once, she has offered a more practical and cost-effective means of addressing the 'real' underlying issue." Recently, Pankauskas advised AdventHealth on a multi-ju- risdictional scope-of-practice issue that was having a material impact on the company’s approach to deploying a new pa- tient-care technology. Pankauskas provided a legal recommendation on how best to proceed but also delivered a clear “layperson’s” explanation for the non-attorneys who were impacted," Coley said. This bol- stered everyone’s confidence that AdventHealth was taking the right course." Marie Lynch, partner in the Chicago office of Swanson, Martin & Bell, says that no one outworks Pankauskas. "Molly is a dedicated and hardworking attorney," Lynch said. "She remains collegial and professional in all interactions, even when faced with a difficult and challenging witness. When Molly takes lead on a deposition, she is well-prepared and focused in her questioning and professional in her manner and treatment of the witness.”

40 Under Forty 2024



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