40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 38

FIRM Neal Gerber Eisenberg

LAW SCHOOL New York University School of Law

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Real estate law


E lizabeth (Beth) Radichel combines the characteristics of a great lawyer—top negotiation skills, skillful drafting, and strategic thinking—with stellar people skills, which has led to a flourishing career in real estate law. Anna Simpson, counsel with LaSalle Investment Management, had seen this winning combination firsthand while previously serving as General Counsel at Sterling Bay. There, Radichel took on a variety of diverse real estate projects while demonstrating a high degree of commitment, strategic thinking, aptitude and leadership, Simpson said. "She has the ability to anticipate issues and focus the atten- tion of the team on the biggest risks," Simpson said. "That pro- vides solutions before they become problems." Marc Wilkow, President of M & J Wilkow, remarks that over the last 47 years, he has learned that good lawyers are adept at identifying risks, while excellent lawyers go beyond this to help clients accomplish their objectives. “Beth is an excellent real estate lawyer,” Wilkow said. “I personally have drawn a great deal of comfort from knowing that Beth will nev- er be intimidated by the challenges that inevitably emerge during the course of a transaction’s journey…Beth is very effective at tena- ciously using her powers of persuasive reasoning to find solutions to even the most vexing of issues. In short, Beth never gives up.” Radichel recently led and completed the complex acquisition of a substantial shopping center, providing her client with advice on multiple objectives simultaneously, from negotiating with an institutional partner to reconciling issues on the site acquisition to achieving compatible financing terms.

She has the ability to anticipate issues and focus the attention of the team on the biggest risks. ”

Beth Bernstein Connors, real estate partner at New York law firm Blank Rome LLP, cited Radichel's attention to detail and in- terest in how deals work as two attributes that have helped her build a successful career. "I've watched from afar as Beth has collected accolade af- ter accolade and has achieved many successes for her clients," Bernstein Connors said. “Her midwestern charm and sense of humor endeared us all to her, but her intellect and enthusiasm, even back then, made her stand out from the crowd.” Others point to the work that Radichel has done to mentor other women as they, too, pursue their careers. Along with serving as the co-chair of NGE’s Women’s Leader- ship Team, Andrya Smith, Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, praised Radichel's work on the Executive Committee of the National Board of Directors of Step Up, a mentoring or- ganization designed to inspire youth to reach their visions of success. "Beth's dedication to the mentoring and development of women is truly commendable," Smith said. "She consistent- ly engages with young professionals through NGE’s Women’s Network, sharing her expertise and providing guidance to the next generation of professionals.”

40 Under Forty 2024



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