40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 37

FIRM BatesCarey LLP

LAW SCHOOL Loyola University Chicago School of Law

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Insurance coverage, professional and management liability, commercial general liability


T hroughout her career, Abigail Rocap has demonstrated legal skills far beyond her years, earning a reputation as a smart, dedicated and hard-working insurance law and coverage attorney. Much of her practice is behind the scenes. Rocap masterful- ly navigates dense and complex insurance coverage cases – all the while juggling the dynamics of the relationships involved in third-party liability insurance matters, between insurers and in- sureds, as well as insureds and the underlying claimants. Rocap is able to concisely articulate the often-complicated analysis so common in this field of law. Rocap excels at taking control of her cases and organizing the mess, but in an approachable manner, as Michael Skoglund, senior vice president at Arch Insurance Group reflects: "What ultimately sets Abby apart is her temperament and approach to work. She always portrays an approachable confidence that avoids arrogance. She presents strongly to her superiors, clients and opposing counsel, but in a way that also fosters discussion and collaboration." As an example, Skoglund points to a case in which he and Rocap represented an excess carrier in coverage litigation aris- ing from a high-profile sexual abuse case. As Skoglund says, he and Rocap had to carefully monitor one of the parties involved in the high-profile case. Rocap deftly navigated that potential- ly awkward situation and was able to develop a strong working relationship with that party, helping to indirectly influence the decision making without offense. "She built up the trust between them such that by the end, the two were collaborating on how to approach the case,"

Abby is exceptional at thinking outside the box. ”

Skoglund said. "Ultimately, Abby’s efforts proved successful with matters resolving without our client’s – or [the other party’s] – further involvement." Her ability to develop effective working relationships is a key to her success, as her opposing counsel, Chicago attorney Rich Burgland, echoes. Burgland has faced off against Rocap in cov- erage disputes arising from high-stakes class action litigation and witnessed firsthand how she can navigate these complex cases to achieve winning results despite the potentially enor- mous risks. "Abby’s unique and exceptional lawyering skills involve the ability to make complicated issues easily understandable for her clients and opponents alike," Burgland said. "Abby is exception- al at thinking outside the box. I have been practicing for nearly 15 years in private practice, and I can say with confidence that Abby is one of my favorite attorneys to work with, even if we’re on opposite sides." In addition to her practice, Rocap has become a leader and mentor at BatesCarey LLP. She serves on the firm’s Associ- ate Committee and co-leads the firm’s annual women’s event, Tea Talk: Women Empowering Women.

40 Under Forty 2024



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