40 Under Forty 2024


AGE 38

FIRM Grund & Leavitt

LAW SCHOOL Loyola University Chicago School of Law

AREA(S) OF PRACTICE Domestic relations


D ivorce and custody issues can frequently become conten- tious. Those going through them need a calming, knowl- edgeable and authoritative voice on their side. For her clients, that voice belongs to Elizabeth Shindler, a rising star in Chicago's family law practice. Shindler's peers say that this young attorney is an excellent negotiator, has a knack for crafting resolutions that best serve her clients and is a calming presence during even the most con- tentious of family disputes. Marcelle Kott with Chicago's Berger Schatz points to one ex- ample in which Shindler obtained exclusive possession of the marital residence for a client in an abusive marriage, a difficult result to achieve in the domestic relations division. Shindler also obtained a temporary restraining order to prohibit her client's spouse from entering or disparaging her business. "She is very practical and an excellent negotiator in mediation settings," Kott said of Shindler. Another example cited by Kott? Shindler helped settle a con- tentious parenting schedule dispute to obtain a 50-50 parenting schedule for a client who traveled extensively and worked long hours. Shindler also avoided a finding of indirect civil contempt against her client and avoided an award of attorneys' fees by re- solving the dispute with opposing counsel. In the same case, she resolved amicably a temporary restraining order by negotiating

She is very practical and an excellent negotiator in mediation settings. ”

with opposing counsel to make the opposing party return funds taken from a marital account. Scott Kramer with Chicago's GMR Family Law said that ef- forts such as these are not rare from Shindler. "She has consistently demonstrated a high level of thought- fulness and problem-solving abilities, always focusing on the best interests of the clients and the children," he said. Add Kaitlin Post with Beermann LLP to the long list of admir- ers of Shindler's legal abilities. She and Shindler were on oppos- ing sides during a difficult family law case that lasted for more than a year. Post said that Shindler was an excellent advocate for her client yet congenial with her. Eventually, the two sides successfully resolved the case before trial. "Elizabeth is a very accomplished attorney and has worked on extremely complex family law cases with difficult child-related issues and complicated estates," Post said. "She remains calm in contentious situations and is very well-spoken."

40 Under Forty 2024



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