40 Under Forty 2024

Being included in the 40 under 40 in 2001 was certainly a highlight of my professional career. Generally, younger lawyers do not get recognition or accolades because they are compared to more experienced lawyers. It was both humbling and inspiring to be recog- nized as a skilled and talented trial lawyer at that point in my budding career. It enhanced my reputation in the legal commu- nity and, equally as important, it encouraged me to strive all the more to reach greater heights in our beloved profession. LESLIE D. DAVIS Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms

Being named to the “40 under 40” list was exhilarating. However, what I find even more exciting is turning to the list every year to see the new list of lawyers who will almost certain- ly lead our legal community in the next decade. For the entire time “the list” has been around it has identified the men and women who are and will continue to shape the landscape of our court system. The thrill of seeing the names of these future leaders has cap- tured my attention every single year – and will always continue to do so! SHAWN S. KASSERMAN Partner, Tomasik Kotin

Receiving the 40 Under Forty award was a large milestone in my legal career. It provided not only opportunities to better market my law firm, but it provided significant networking opportunities for me and my firm. Specifically, I was able to meet other, incredibly talented attorneys with whom I have been able to create referrals and refer our clients, when needed. I was honored to re- ceive the award and will always be grateful to the CDLB team

At age 32, 40 Under Forty was one of my first awards and it opened a lot of doors and networking opportunities for me. It also raised my credibility by highlighting my professional success and personal contribu- tions in the legal community. Rob and I still get comments about how we were one of the first married couples to receive 40 Under Forty awards and in- spired other professional pairs to work hard, have fun, support one another, and pay it forward together. Cheers to this year's awardees. You earned it! JUSTICE CELIA GAMRATH Illinois Appellate Court, First District Class of 2002

for selecting me. JOHN J. ROCK Principal, Rock Fusco & Connelly LLC Class of 2009

(NAMWOLF) Class of 2001

Kasserman LLC Class of 2004

In addition to being a great hon- or, being named 40 Under Forty immediately raised my profile in the legal community and among my clients. The relationships I made after being named creat- ed more opportunities to grow my practice – which worked. It also created greater leadership and civic opportunities – which I pursued. I am very grateful to have been recognized among the 40 Under Forty honorees. RAY J. KOENIG III Member, Clark Hill PLC Class of 2013

Being recognized as a 40 Under honoree gave me confidence that the work I had put in and the guidance I was getting from my mentors was putting me on the right track to a successful career. That confidence is invaluable for a young lawyer. It’s an honor that provides the bedrock for whatever I become as a lawyer. COLIN H. DUNN Partner, Dunn Harrington LLC Class of 2010

Early in my career, I had fantas- tic role models who inspired me to create a legal practice helping real people solve real problems. When I was honored on the 40 Under Forty list, I knew it was my time to lead and serve as a mentor for other attorneys who wanted to make an impact in their communities. STEVEN P. BLONDER

Being named to the 40 Under 40 list was a tremendous honor. My firm’s endorsement of my candidacy and the flattering words of nomination from my clients instilled confidence and continue to inspire my growth today. I am grateful to have been recognized amongst such a talented group of lawyers. ERIC Y. CHOI Partner, Neal Gerber &

Principal, Much Class of 2005

Eisenberg LLP Class of 2018

40 Under Forty 2024



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