40 Under Forty 2024

recognition and shared it with our clients. I do think it provid- ed me additional credibility at that important point in time while I was building a private law practice. It also introduced me to accomplished and reputable attorneys to add to my network for referrals. I felt a great bond with the others in my class and have kept in touch with many of them. Over the years —including this past decade that I have no longer been in private practice— it has been fun to continue attending celebrations welcoming subse- quent classes and reconnecting with old friends in what is now a large community of prominent attorneys serving the Chicago- land community in a wide range of roles and capacities. KIM A. KAMIN Chief Wealth Strategist & Client Advisor, Gresham Partners LLC Class of 2008

The 40 Under 40 vetting process and recognition are an exceptional way to acknowledge current and future leaders from all sectors of our professional community. I recall how excit- ing it was to read the quotes from those who nominated me in the issue and to attend the group photo of my entire class of honorees – many of which I keep in touch with to this day. It’s really impressive to see how successful so many of them have become. ROBERT T. SHANNON Managing Partner, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Class of 2003

Being recognized in the 40 Un- der Forty has been an extraordi- narily wonderful, and humbling, experience. The Law Bulletin team does a tremendous (and unenviable) job sorting the thousands of submissions and picking 40 fantastic lawyers each year – lawyers who are not only smart and talented, but also true professionals and great stewards of our commu- nity. It is such an honor to be included in its historical ranks (I still pinch myself every time I think about how I somehow slipped through). Inclusion has allowed me to meet, be men- tored by, and learn from, true giants in our field. Congratula-

As a young attorney, being listed in 40 Under 40 was one of the first outside recognitions I received. It was an honor that made partners in my firm take notice. The selection also gave me a needed boost into pro bono boards and outside ac- tivities - including the Chicago Bar Association and ultimately becoming president of the CBA. Thanks for the assist! JENNIFER T. NIJMAN Partner, Nijman Franzetti LLP Class of 2000

tions to this year’s class. EDWARD CASMERE

Partner, Co-Head of Litigation and Disputes, Chicago, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP Class of 2009

Twelve years ago, I had the honor and privilege of being recognized as one of 40 Under 40 Attorneys to Watch, which I have no doubt was the catalyst to the success of my career today. Being featured among such other prominent go-get- ters gave me the confidence to know that my work as a family law attorney was getting noticed, influencing others and gaining traction. That I can count this accolade as one my earlier accomplishments in the oftentimes complicated and nuanced field of family law is truly a gift. KATHRYN H. MICKELSON Equity Partner, Beermann LLP Class of 2012

Recognition of lawyers under age 40 helps in developing the next generation of leaders, which is important for all institutions. It also affirms that you’re heading in the right direction in your career. For me, the Forty Under 40 recognition helped showcase my work for potential new clients, connect- ed me with other lawyers in the city, and gave me added confidence as I headed towards the next stage of my career. ANDREW A. KASSOF Partner, Kirkland & Ellis LLP Class of 2012

Being recognized as a 40 Under 40 honoree by the Law Bulletin was a significant milestone. The plaque proudly displayed in my conference room often sparks conversations with potential clients, serving as a testament to the recognition. This recog- nition has opened doors to new opportunities for growth and networking. I am very proud of being recognized as 40 under 40 lawyer. JONATHAN S. BEDI Partner, Bedi & Singer LLP Class of 2018

Being selected for 40-Under-40 at that stage of my career was a tremendous honor. I was moved by the generous and complimentary comments of those who nominated me or otherwise provided quotes for the write-up. I know my law firm at the time was proud of my

40 Under Forty 2024



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