40 Under Forty 2024

game. But the most influence the recognition has had is actually within my firm where I was the first to have ever received the recognition. It has, internally, become a standard to which all associates and young partners aspire to. I am proud to say that Beermann has now had 16 recipients of this prestigious honor who have come after me and I am proud of each and every one of them for their dedication to their craft and perseverance to be the best at it and only hope I was and continue to be a role model to each and every one of them. There is no question we make each other better and I love that about the Beermann ecosystem. THOMAS T. FIELD Equity Partner, Beermann LLP Class of 2010

It’s really hard to believe that it’s been 25 years since I received the 40 Under 40 recognition in its inaugural year in 2000. This award really gave me a tremen- dous amount of confidence upon receiving it in that so many other lawyers, clients and judges believed in me, my po- tential and in my abilities. It also gave me great exposure in the legal community. Many would often comment on the award and it definitely provided me some heightened credibility and stature among my legal peers. I believe it remains one of my most important and cherished recognitions in my legal career. JOHN C. SCIACCOTTA Member, Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa Class of 2000

Receiving this tremendous hon- or was a pivotal moment in my career. It validated hard work and outstanding performance, inspiring me to aim for excel- lence, expand my legal expertise and abilities, and take on new challenges and leadership responsibilities. It also opened doors for valuable connections with esteemed colleagues and mentors, profoundly shaping the success of my legal career. MARVET M. SWEIS DRNOVSEK Owner, MSD Injury Lawyers Class of 2015

Being named 40 Under 40 is a true honor that helped me see what I had accomplished –and could accomplish – as both a working mother and an equity partner in a law firm. I have a deep appreciation for the cli- ents who took the time to write incredible recommendation letters and the colleagues who nominated me. These close relationships have been the key to my successful career, includ- ing taking the leap to my own nationally recognized boutique law firm (with Jamie Rubin, my partner and fellow 40 Under 40 honoree). I remain thrilled, hon- ored and humbled to be part of this acclaimed group. JUSTINE YOUNG GOTTSHALL Co-Managing Partner, InfoLawGroup LLP Class of 2007

Being recognized by 40 under 40 was a huge honor. It opened networking doors that have resulted in case referrals and valuable connections and legal resources. I am able to pick up the phone and solve a problem by calling upon fellow 40 under 40 honorees, alums and even those I have recommended receive the honor. It helped me get recognized and respect in the legal community when I was very early on in my career. I am very grateful. MARGARET P. BATTERSBY BLACK Co-Managing Partner, Levin & Perconti Class of 2011

Being recognized as a 40 Under Forty honoree was a key moment early in my legal career that afforded me instant credibility to the firm’s existing and prospective clients. It opened doors to new network- ing opportunities and forged relationships that have been invaluable resources to me for over 30 years. This early recog- nition fueled my ambition that reinforced my commitment to excellence and leadership in the legal field. JILL P. O'BRIEN Partner, Laner Muchin Ltd Class of 2002

The 40 Under Forty recognition is a gold standard in the legal industry for young lawyers who have quickly ascended to the top of their area of focus. Early on in my career the accolade gave me additional credibility among those inside and outside of my chosen field of family law which undoubtedly provided a level of comfort to referral sources and prospective clients that I was at the top of my

I've always appreciated this acknowledgment, and try to do it proud. The Law Bulletin has good credibility with the bar, so it's an honor to be associated with their lists. JON LOEVY Partner, Loevy & Loevy Class of 2006

40 Under Forty 2024



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