40 Under Forty 2024

40 Under Forty honoree played a pivotal role in my career development by enhancing my reputation, credibility, visibility, and standing among my peers and clients. It afforded me a heightened sense of credibility and respect within the legal community. In addition, I be- lieve that it aided me greatly in attracting clients and oppor- tunities that I would not have otherwise been exposed to be- cause it served as an objective measure of my legal expertise, competence, and dedication to client service. Stated differently, it served to differentiate me in a highly competitive legal market.

Being chosen as a 40 Under Forty honoree was a truly awesome experience. At a pivotal moment in my career, I felt I had joined a club of up-and-coming practitioners whose ambitions and energy matched my own. Over the last 20 years, I’ve turned again and again to colleagues and friends I first came to know as fellow members of the Class of 2004. Together, we are a powerful network and support system for one another, united by shared gratitude for having been chosen and a common desire to pay forward the op- portunities we’ve been given. LAVON M. JOHNS Partner, Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP Class of 2004

Twenty plus years later, I still vividly recall receiving a number of calls of congratulations from clients and referral sources with my ‘40 Under Forty’ recogni- tion. I was proud to be among those similarly honored so early in our legal careers as my co-induct- ees were already accomplishing a great deal professionally. Fast forward to today, many of them are standouts in their respective fields - - each of us benefiting from the award that helped to credential us early on. BRIAN P. KERWIN Partner, Chair, Corporate Practice Group, Duane Morris LLP Class of 2004

I am deeply honored and grateful to have been selected as part of the inaugural 40 Under 40 class of 2000. This recognition has significantly in- fluenced my journey as a lawyer, and it has been a privilege to witness the remarkable growth and accomplishments of my colleagues over the past 24 years. Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the 2024 honorees! MARTIN A. DOLAN Partner/Owner, Dolan Law PC Class of 2000

JOHN A. CULLIS Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP Class of 2011

It was very humbling to be included in the 2002 40 Under Forty among such a distinguished group of fellow honorees, who have since gone on to be distinguished judges, law firm leaders, and public servants. Looking back on that time, it is fun to be able to literally say “I knew them when!” And having just made the transition from private practice to me role at The Chicago Bar Foundation a few years before this recognition, it was a real affirmation of the importance of this work for our profession and the unmatched commitment Chicago’s legal community brings to improving access to justice. ROBERT A. GLAVES Executive Director, Chicago Bar Foundation Class of 2002

Being recognized by Law Bul- letin as a 2010 40 Under Forty Honoree instantly elevated my profile in the Chicago legal community and enhanced my professional reputation. Over the years, it has provided unique opportunities to expand my professional network and knowledge base in the Chicago legal market. Receiving the recognition has also provid- ed me with opportunities to expand mentorship for younger attorneys aspiring to receive this recognition and in meeting other professional goals. GEORGIA LOUKAS DEMEROS Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP Class of 2010

Relationships have always been at the heart of my legal practice and my leadership roles. 40 Under Forty was no exception. Throughout the process, I was supported by my peers and introduced to other honorees with incredible stories. Now, as a Managing Partner, I continue to value those friendships and connections. COURTNEY E. MAYSTER Managing Partner, Much Class of 2012

When I first learned that I had been selected as a 40 Under Forty recipient, I was incredibly honored because it signified that I had demonstrated a level of excellence and commitment to the highest standards of legal practice that distinguished me among my peers. However, over time I realized that being recognized as a

40 Under Forty 2024



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