40 Under Forty 2024

of those experiences, offering validation for the hard work and dedication I have invested in my profession. It also reflects my desire to continue to advocate for those who may not have a voice, ensuring that justice is accessible to all. This recogni- tion serves as an encourage- ment to continue pursuing that mission and as a platform to inspire others to pursue their passions in law, encouraging them to embrace the challeng- es and rewards that come with this noble profession. BRADLEY M. COSGROVE Partner, Clifford Law Offices Class of 2014

relatively early stage of my career, I was doing things the right way and charting a career path in a positive direction. It helped me recognize that if I continued to do the things I was doing, practice and serve clients in the way I had been servicing them, that I was setting myself up for a long and successful career. And while I still have many years of practicing law in my future, I know that recogni- tion drove me to live up to the hype, so to speak, and continue working hard and striving to justify that award. MITCHELL D. WEINSTEIN

I was fortunate to receive the coveted 40 Under 40 award in 2010. Of all the legal awards and recognitions, the 40 Under 40 honor is the one most young lawyers aspire to achieve. From a young age, I was motivated to be recognized as a 40 Under 40 attorney to watch because it meant I was doing things the right way. I am honored and humbled to have received this recognition and remain com- mitted to practicing law with the highest standards in mind. MICHAEL F. BONAMARTE IV, Co-Managing Partner, Levin & Perconti Class of 2010

As an up-and coming attorney, to be recognized alongside such impressive attorneys at a pivotal point in my career was inspiring, motivating, and validating. Rather than a marker of a goal achieved, the award was a springboard for my career and encouragement to continue growing. As attorneys, we must continue growing and learning so we can continue providing the best service to our clients, and as satisfying as it was to be recognized with this award in 2003 (when I was only 32 years old), mentoring and empow- ering the next generation of attorneys for success has been

President & Principal, Chuhak & Tecson PC Class of 2005

even more rewarding. HOWARD S. DAKOFF Equity Partner, Levenfeld

Being named to the inaugural '40 under 40' list was a pivotal moment in my career. Looking back, I realize that award wasn't just about personal achieve- ment—it was a reminder that when we work hard, are guided by our values and focus intense- ly on serving our clients' inter- ests, excellence follows. This recognition and the principles behind it, created numerous leadership opportunities in my international arbitration work and within my firm, including my most recent role leading Venable’s expansion efforts, especially in our newest offices in Chicago, Denver, and Florida. Congratulations to this year’s award recipients. The best is yet to come. MICHAEL L. MORKIN Partner-in-Charge of Growth and Expansion, Venable LLP Class of 2000

Receiving the “40 Under 40” award from Law Bulletin Media was an honor that strengthened my commitment to providing high-quality legal services. The award was immediately recognized by clients and peers, alike. The award acknowledged my values and goals in uphold- ing the legal profession, and highlighted my commitment to excellence and in helping others to achieve the same. I was also presented an instant opportuni- ty to network with like-minded lawyers, the other honorees. I believe that young lawyers have a unique opportunity to make a difference in our communities and to influence the future of the legal profession. 40 Under 40’s public recognition of young lawyers provides a platform that inspires more to do more. SHANNON M. MCNULTY Partner, Clifford Law Offices Class of 2007

Pearlstein LLC Class of 2003

Being named a 40 under 40 Attorney by the Law Bulletin in my early career certainly was a recognition that holds significant meaning for me, representing not only a per- sonal achievement but also a recognition of the values I strive to uphold in my legal career every day. As a young lawyer, the journey so far has been filled with challenges, learning experiences and moments of growth that have shaped my understanding of the law and my role within it. This award symbolizes an accumulation

Thank you for this opportunity. Being honored and recognized for a special distinction by your peers is exciting, and also humbling. Attorneys are known, generally, to be confident and sometimes overly so. But get- ting recognized for being in a 40 under 40 category, knowing that required nominations and testimonials from other attor- neys, is very noteworthy. It was an indication that at that

40 Under Forty 2024



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