40 Under Forty 2024

Receiving the 40 Under 40 award was an incredible honor, made even more meaningful by the fact that it came from my peers in the legal profession, including those I have faced in the courtroom. The award is a testament to the excellent mentorship I received as a young lawyer and validates the hard work and dedication I have poured into my practice. It inspires me to continue striving for excellence in serving my clients, colleagues, and the broader legal community. The 40 under 40 is a distinguished group of lawyers, and I am proud to be among them. MICHAEL A. MCCASKEY Partner, Swanson Martin & Bell LLP Class of 2017

40 under Forty, for me, was a time to take pride in my accomplishments and, more importantly, a time to reflect and be thankful for all the mentors, family, and friends who helped me achieve them. The recognition also served to remind me of the importance of cordiality with my peers. Also, being selected to 40 un- der Forty inspired me to keep proving myself worthy of the of the honor. Congratulations to this year’s honorees! MICHAEL D. DITORE Partner, Corboy & Demetrio PC Class of 2020

Being a 40 Under Forty Nominee is a great recognition; however, it is not the title of being “40 Under” that has been the most rewarding. Instead, being a part of this 25-year and counting tradition of gathering every year to welcome the new class of exceptional attorneys from all areas of practice while reuniting with other past nominees has been the most gratifying to me. Thank you, Adam and the Law Bulletin, for making it happen. WILLIAM B. OBERTS Founding Partner, Oberts Galasso Law Group Class of 2009

One of my proudest accom- plishments is being recognized as a 40 Under Forty honoree. Being part of this group has allowed me to network with some of the most talented lawyers in Illinois. The 40 Under Forty recognition has provided me with a level of legitimacy in my career that I could not have gained elsewhere. ADAM MIEL ZEBELIAN Partner, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP Class of 2021

40 Under Forty 2024



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