(SRRR I/17) (8) 17M4-5980
SETTLEMENT: $91,000,000 (IL Cook-Law)
PLTF ATTY(S): Joseph A. Power, Jr., Larry R. Rogers, Jr., James I. Pow - er of Power Rogers LLP (Chicago, IL), Louis A. Berns of Favil David Berns & Associates (Northlake, IL) On September 20, 2017, Carlos (52) was waiting for his ride to work while standing outside of a Village of Bensenville 7-Eleven. A patron was attempting to park his vehicle in one of the store’s forward facing perpendicular parking spaces in front of where Carlos was standing. As the patron attempted to bring his vehicle to a complete stop inside the parking space, his foot accidentally pressed on the vehicle’s accelerator, causing it to quickly accelerate over the curb and across the sidewalk, pinning Carlos against the 7-Eleven storefront. He sustained severe crushing injuries resulting in bilateral above-the-knee am- putations. Carlos alleges that 7-Eleven acted with utter indifference and/or con- scious front of its stores and by not creating angled parking. There have been 7,525 storefront crashes at 7-Eleven stores and one at that particular 7-Eleven sixteen months prior. ACE, Mitsui Sumitomo, QBE, and Liberty paid for 7-Eleven Inc., Edgebrook Management Inc. and Rudy Lopez. This is the highest premises liability settlement and the highest settlement for an amputee in the Jury Ver- dict Reporter records. This matter was the subject of a story in the February 10, 2023 edition of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Joseph A. Power, Jr. Joe has been fighting for the underdog for more than a quarter of a century. At 28, Joe was the nation’s youngest injury attorney as the sole trial attorney to win a million-dol - lar verdict on behalf of a plaintiff. He tried the case alone after the offer to settle for $75,000 was declined. Joe has obtained more than 200 jury verdicts and settlements in excess of $1 Million, including the largest jury verdict in Illinois history to go to judg - ment (no high-low settlement) in a medical malpractice case of $55.4 Million.
Larry R. Rogers, Jr. Larry R. Rogers, Jr. is a trial lawyer with over 30 years of experience advocating for vic - tims. As an attorney and partner at Power Rogers, Larry has successfully settled and tried to verdict many multi-million dollar re - sults for his clients in medical negligence, trucking, product liability and civil rights litigation. Larry has been involved in several significant high-profile matters, including the investiga - tion of the death of Sandra Bland, a Chica - goland resident who was found dead in a Texas jail after an unlawful traffic stop. He frequently appears on local and national ra - dio and TV to discuss issues impacting Chi - cago and the country.
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