I have had the pleasure of presiding over several jury trials with Bill Rogers and his firm. He is most experienced and knowl - edgeable in every aspect of medical mal- practice defense. I was especially im- pressed with his positive and professional attitude. Bill remains calm and focused even when faced with difficult facts and adverse rulings. Bill has the enviable skill of explaining legal theories to a jury in a straightforward and easy manner resulting in favorable verdicts for his clients. Civility and professional mentorship are a signifi - cant part of his professional career. This is a wonderful trait and model and speaks to his very good character and faithfulness in our profession.” Hon. Bridget J. Hughes,
As president of ABOTA Illinois, Bill Rogers spoke at The Illinois Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates’ inaugural James Otis Lecture Series, wel- coming 150 Chicago public high school students and teachers to Chicago-Kent College of Law for civics education. Other speakers included from left, the Hon. Sanjay Tailor; Professor Carolyn Shapiro; Webb, and the Hon. Jesse G. Reyes. Photo courtesy of ABOTA And Rogers understands why: “Trial work is interesting,” he said. “It’s interesting to the lawyers and to the general public.” This isn’t to say that Rogers, while admittedly working his dream job, hasn’t faced challenges. As he says, every case is different, dealing with different facts and witnesses. Trial lawyers must routinely deal with different opposing coun- sel and judges.
Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County, Law Division, Trial Section
Because of this, each case is a challenge, Rogers said.
“There is no cookie-cutter injection mold,” he said. “That’s a challenge. You might have argued before a judge before, but the facts this time are different.” Like all experienced and successful lawyers, Rogers considers all his cases to be important. But there are some that stand out as particularly meaningful. That includes the first jury verdict that he earned in his career.
American Board of Trial Advocates’ annual Law Day observance (From left to right) John W. Bell of Johnson & Bell Ltd.; Justice Mary Jane Theis; and William J. Rogers of Swanson, Martin & Bell LLP. Photo courtesy of Paul McGrath
“ I met Bill Rogers over 50 years ago when we began Law School at Northwestern. Little did we realize our careers would take similar paths over the next 50 years. Bill began his career with a spin- off from Kirkland, Wildman Harrold and I began with another Kirkland spin-off, Maddux & Associates. We both wound up principally doing medical malpractice defense. I know Bill felt lucky to have received mentorship from the likes of Maury Garvey. I know Bill learned about being a Trial Lawyer from these mentors and he absorbed the lessons of profes- sionalism, integrity, character and civility in handing his files and in his interactions with co-counsel and opposing counsel.
One of Bill’s greatest contributions has been his mentorship of younger lawyers by passing along those same lessons. We started out attending depositions to- gether as co-defendants until we finally moved up to trying cases together, it has always been a pleasure, and fun, to have Bill as a co-defendant. No one worked harder than Bill in trying a case, but you always waited for that comment, usually off the record, that would give everyone a laugh, including the Judge. The defense practice can be very com- petitive when it comes to getting busi- ness. Bill and I had many mutual cli- ents. Never did I hear Bill disparage any
defense attorney in effort to get busi- ness. His humility is one of his greatest assets. The case is never about Bill, but always about his client. Over the many years of his practice, Bill has seen many changes in the Law Division. Through those changes one thing has remained constant with Bill, his commitment to professionalism, integrity and civility. Bill deserves this reward, and I am lucky to have been a friend for these many years.”
Brian C. Fetzer, Associate, Napleton & Partners
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