JVR Trial Excellence Awards 2024

Outstanding Defense Verdict in a Medical Malpractice Case

age 46 on March 6, 2021 ($3,502,146 medical expenses). He was survived by one child (a minor) as well as his parents and siblings. The estate contended defts’ negligence caused him to sustain a massive subdural hemorrhage which left him completely disabled and dependent on 24-hour care until his death. The defense argued Dr. Abusuwwa appropriately signed off on the patient’s neurosurgical care because Saul was radiographically and clinically stable, Dr. Chang agreed he was stable and properly discharged him with instructions for family supervision and a follow-up CT in two weeks, his deterioration was not foreseeable or predictable at the time of discharge, his condition changed 12 hours later due to either a new subdural hemorrhage or expansion of his exist- ing hemorrhage, and his injuries and death were not caused by defts’ care but rather were the result of his failing to seek immediate care when his condition deteriorated. The jury reportedly deliberated less than two hours.

Kimberly D. Flanigan Kimberly (“Kim”) Flanigan is a highly regard - ed litigation attorney specializing in the de - fense of healthcare providers against claims of medical negligence. With nearly a decade of experience, Kim has successfully repre - sented not only healthcare professionals and institutions but also various business clients in sophisticated civil litigation, includ - ing personal injury, premises liability, and products liability cases. She provides stra - tegic, results-oriented legal counsel, consis - tently safeguarding her clients’ interests and reputations. As an esteemed member of the defense bar, Kim’s skill and extensive experi - ence contribute to her strong track record of achieving favorable outcomes. Kim is known for her deep industry knowl - edge, meticulous approach to case prepa - ration, and thorough understanding of both medical and legal intricacies. She collabo - rates closely with physicians, hospitals, and healthcare entities to build formidable de - fenses, grounded in sound medical evidence and legal strategy, while maintaining a cli - ent-centric focus at every stage of litigation.

Smith Blake Hill was started in 2015 by founding partners Jenny Blake, Mark Smith and Tom Hill. Since then, SBH has grown into a leading trial firm in Chicago, working at the forefront of innovation, creativity, and skill in courtrooms throughout the state of Illinois. SBH is regularly named amount the best regional law firms, including a Tier 1 ranking for medical malpractice and professional malpractice by Best Lawyers in America in 2024.


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